Lalita Jayanty blessings for Unveiling the Anandakandha within:
The word “Anandakandha” refers to the root of bliss or Ananda. This life is a rare opportunity for unveiling the Atma tattva that we are: pure..nirvikaar and ever in pure bliss. The appearance of Devi/ Shakti in our spiritual journeys is the beginning of this antarmukhi ( inward turned) journey towards this Anandakandha.
As the years pass on and you deepen your faith in her, you can see the krama of your life transforming and mutating into a brand new sthithi of more and more joy, playfulness, innocence and heart openings to karuna. The jnana and bhakti elements begin to flower hand in hand and one begins to feel more and more free and joyful. Reflect on whether this has happened or is happening for you. Effortless joy and causeless bliss are the rewards of this journey with Shakti.
In my own reflections of this journey..I can clearly see this happening and this is the highest honour and blessings of this lifetime..
And the goal is nothing but to live here as an awakened, aware and loving force while you are in this body. Use the inspirations, experiences and learnings of your saadhna to go deeper and deeper into this unalloyed Ananda. May all unveil the ” Anandakandha” within..
Glimpses from today mornings Khadagmala Sriyantra Pournami Lalita Jayanti pujas
Khadagmala Stotra sung to Mother Divine for activation requests of our Sriyantra within…
Ucchista Ganapati is the *mooladhara* and starting point for the Mother Kundalini’s journey towards union with her Sadashiva at the sahasara chakra and without Ganapati blessings…there is no spike for the uncoiling to happen… Glimpses of his kawach and mantra chantings..
May you experience the Mooladhara activations with Ganapatis blessings on your Shakti journeys..
Ghee Ghe Swaha.
Shree Matre Namah…
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