Dr Pallavi Kwatra


In surreal undertones,
and spills of careless shades,
I set out to paint and sculpt,
My hands a little frenzied,
My soul a little drunk,
I surrendered my authorities,
And rights of all ownership.
I thought…I’d see what truly
does ” involuntary” mean?
I went a little further,
and then stood statue still,
I was asked to empty my pockets,
and undress all my scars.
and give it all away.
In total compliance,
I kneeled, bared of all pretensions,
feeling gay and free.
I had nothing to lose,
not even my fears.
Now, I knew true freedom,
and how creativity is born today.
A masterpiece now stands before me,
and credits raining on me.
But I know, the real prize
was to journey through it all….


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2 Responses

  1. “I had nothing to lose,
    not even my fears.
    Now, I knew true freedom,
    and how creativity is born today.
    A masterpiece now stands before me,
    and credits raining on me.
    But I know, the real prize
    was to journey through it all….” These lines moved me deeply.. Overwhelmed

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