The possibility of remaining as you are!
With an explosion of Gurus, spiritual techniques, zoom satsangs, big fat books, YouTube spiritual divas and social media blaring informations into our ears when we neither need, request or use them is the way of our urban spiritual awakening.
We have been left with no choice but to gaze at our screens for all our spiritual needs and experiences. We are slaves of information and poisoned to believe that we all need to become at experts at everything that is heard or known.the perfect archetype of an idiot who knows a lot but has no living experience of the truth.
How courageous are those who can dare to remain as nerds amongst the bustling crowds of all knowing fools? You can be branded as an outcast or a foolish shit piece who is not striving to better his performance at life. With no accolades to boast of, who will know or respect or even love you?
It’s sad how we have sold ourselves to constant striving, surviving and struggling to better ourselves all the time without any pauses or even contemplation of our own longing. We are chasing the crowd without seeing ourselves and our own needs and temperaments, our own uniqueness is forgotten and not of any meaning to us. Our glory is forgotten as we are hungry for some outer magic to change our life.
See if you can dare not to know and darer to not even worry about not knowing?
Image : James J Carey
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