The curvature of this path of love keeps evolving a new course every time I feel I have reached its terminal point…making me realize how expanded and voracious has become my own heart…on forgetful days… I seek the fulfillment in another only to have a hearty laughter at the discovery that there is no one but me… whom I could offer my hearts love to.. I am the only and every one I know…this brings me to the centre of my heart where all the earlier pains, scarrings, sorrows, resentments, dive into the abyss of love leading to their dissolution…demise..
There is no lesson for me to become this or that or create some hi-fi purpose of vain idealism and urgent evolution. Only from my restful place of this heart can I see with clarity and profundity the magnificence of this life which has been granted to us by God. The knees hit the floor and the eyes only become oceans of divine mercy scintillating with the pearl drops… the seer of all this unfolding is known to be someone called me but I sense the absence of an identity and personal quantification of this seer.. the emotions …the mind just stun at this moment of revelation and one just IS .. not anyone or anything ..
There is no lesson for me to become this or that or create some hi-fi purpose of vain idealism and urgent evolution. Only from my restful place of this heart can I see with clarity and profundity the magnificence of this life which has been granted to us by God. The knees hit the floor and the eyes only become oceans of divine mercy scintillating with the pearl drops… the seer of all this unfolding is known to be someone called me but I sense the absence of an identity and personal quantification of this seer.. the emotions …the mind just stun at this moment of revelation and one just IS .. not anyone or anything ..

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