” But…what is happiness except for the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?”
-Albert Camus
ART CREDITS: africanart (
The mundane nature of everyday life and the worries, fears and patterns of the mind continuously keep us chained in the expectation of a holier and more apt arrival of the celebration of our own beingness in life. we await some magic to happen sometime somewhere in the future while the magic is right here, this moment unfolding itself every moment. we are unaware and unconscious and hence we cannot relish it. We engage and chase multiple practices, teachings, experiences and await the dawn of the metaphysical realities while the reality that we are in has thrown up so many celebrative occasions on us.
Each day, the dawn arrives, reminding us that we are new. each day the birds and trees and mother nature fill our lives with benefits and gifts. each day, the loved ones subtly and loudly shout their love to us. each day, our body temples become altars of delight and pleasure of so many sorts. But we are sad, lonely, desperate and in anticipation of some grand event to happen that can give us joy and delight.
The celebration of our own beingness is overlooked while the chase is ever on. One after another, the things to do and the people we want to become are mirages that keep us in the denial of self love, self-worship and self-gratification. We are beggars in the garb of seekers. because the seeking is always focussed outward and the attention is never inturned to see the quarry of diamonds that lie there and are your very own.
Tantra is the art of self-love and self-acceptance. if you can love and accept yourself fully, you will know that the delight of being yourself is unparalleled. And the ananda rasa will effulge from within you. the seeking will reveal your own face and make you laugh out loud for being so naive to search it in people, places and things.
So, celebrate your life moment to moment…Love yourself deeply… await the beloved within…. and you are ever free…ever-present…ever joyful!
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