THE APOSTLE OF GRACE In the apostle of Grace… I meditate on thee.. And then….” thou art me”.. I come […]

The drip of grace

My parched mouth
Has been mummified 
In a gaping 
For eons...
My eyes fail to bl...

The drip of grace My parched mouth Has been mummified In a gaping For eons… My eyes fail to blink […]

The grace

It must only be the grace,
that i stepped many a times
on the EDGE
and yet, 

The grace It must only be the grace, that I stepped many a time on the EDGE and yet, all […]


The stark separation between my ignorant mundane life and my life of miracles an...

APPEARANCE The stark separation between my ignorant mundane life and my life of miracles and grace is marked by your […]