Dr Pallavi Kwatra

Lalitashasranama Series verse 177

March 21, 2021.

“Baala Leela Vinodini” Verse 177 Lalitasahasranama.
The joyful presence of Bala, the 9 year old form of Lalitatripurasundari is a bubbling reservoir of bounty and innocent grace. She is ever flowing with perennial wellsprings of joyful laughter and her innocence is always enchanting us towards her. Unmistakable in its purity and beauty, she cannot be ignored and inspires us to never give up the child in us. Through the fusion of play and leela, she continously fills us with the inspiration to return to the spontaneity and innocence of our childhood and always remain in simple surrender to our divine mother.
However, she also managed to annhiliate evil by killing the 30 sons of Bhandasura demon and cannot be mistaken for being tender and powerless. So being like her does not mean being juvenile. Only that our childlike innocence to love unconditionally is not mistaken for our vulnerability to tolerate evil and demonic forces in our life.
With her blessings and grace, we participated in a blissful exuberent meeting yesterday where we were able to chant the Lalitasahasranama and also engage in heart to heart interactions and so much laughter and blissful ecstatic tears of gratitude and grace flowing across the cheeks of each participating member. We laughed, clapped and wept like children and inside us..we knew it was all her maaya and leela.
Many thanks for all participating friends who created this wonderful memoir by participating in presence.

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