Dr Pallavi Kwatra


"To awaken is to ponder…To awaken is to know!”

The gift of awakening to one’s pleasure and sensuality is to be reborn, freed from the conditioned mindsets of perfect archetypes and to allow self-love and self-acceptance at the highest level. Most women remain unaware, uninformed and unawakened to their cervical zone of potential and creativity. In the mundane monotony of the urban world, where women have clearly forgotten to connect deeply with their yoni, there is no reason to doubt the miseries and mutiny of the mind that most women face. Manifesting as many kinds of emotional, psychological and even physical disturbances, the root of many of these anguishes lies in the disconnect between the Anahata and the swadishtana chakras.

Suffering from many kinds of yoni insults and scarring, most women are not even able to acknowledge it to themselves or even a close friend. Considered taboo and fear of being rejected, the scarring finds its way to make them feel powerless, meagre and disappointed. belittled and rendered vain, they suffer the pangs of self-rejection out of guilt and shame. Pleasure is not only a sensation but also sentimental satiety that can progress on to become a fully blossomed independent human who dares to love and respect himself.

Individuals who are self-reliant and deeply know about their sensual pleasures are more often likely to succeed in becoming better and more wholesome partners to others. The pleasure with oneself is liberating, safe and self-reliant. Its acknowledgement and direct practice can be cultivated mindfully.

Kundalini Cervical Awakening is the awakening to the immense creative, healing and blessing potential of the yoni (womb) to itself. Welcome to this journey of self-love, self-healing and self-empowerment?