“Yogaratova bhogaratovA
saNgaratovA saNgavihInaH |
yasya brahmaNi ramate chitta
nandati nandati nandatyeva || 19||”
which means….
“One may take delight in yoga or bhoga , may have attachment or
detachment. But only he whose mind steadily delights in Brahman
enjoys bliss, no one else.”
This 19th verse of the great work of Adi Shankaracharya, “bhaj govindam” is an epitome of the karma yogi’s path. whether the times are urban or ancient, the truth remains unaltered in its validity and replication. Yoga and bhoga are two flipsides of the same coin and a true yogi views and indulges in both single-mindedly, always remaining detached from both. In spite of his 100 percent participation, he remains like a lotus flower, unsullied by the mud of karmic imprint. He is a participant and yet only enacts the role. He views himself in the act without being entangled in it. On the upfront, and to the world, he appears like another piece of flesh who walks, eats, and procreates just like others. However little do they know that he is constantly in awareness of the self and meticulously understands his nonindulgence in this whole drama? His actions are mere appropriate responses to life which flow out of him effortlessly and bring no karmic retributions. The underlying physiology with which he operates this sophisticated system is his sense of non doership and abandoning the false identification with the mind-body intellect complex. When he surrenders doer-ship, then there is actually nothing to do anymore. He executes karma and yet he does not bear them. The true path of karma yoga is such a high path and yet is effortless for a Jivanmukta or true yogi.
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