“God looks after everything”
– Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi, Talk 377
The corollary of this marvellous statement by Shree Bhagwan can be experienced by each one of us on many occasions in our lifetime. In the darkest hours of life, in the most unexpected ways and forms, Grace enables us to live and forbear the tribulations of our life if we can have the deepest faith in the Guru/God/self. Illogical and stupid as it may sound to most who have treaded only on the path of effort and believe in the doership ( karta bhav) to enable everything for them, it may be a distorted lazy philosophers statement of some sort. But each human will experience the shade of grace even if they have no faith in it. Only that they remain unaware and continue to be in the illusion that they caused their fates to unfold and their destinies to be changed.
The akarta bhav of surrender is not easy to grasp for an immature and unprepared mind who may mistake this for quitting all action and shunning his responsibilities in the denial mode. It is easy to shy away from effort in the name of being a nondoer. This is bound to bring in more inertia and laziness in his life rather than any enlightened illuminations of the self.
On the other hand, true surrender may be highly dynamic for a saadhak who grasps the essence of the teaching which states clearly that the actions that he does or does not do never determine the self that he essentially is. So no matter how active he may seem to be on many worldly parameters, he remains untouched by his actions and thoughts. The unreal nature of the mind , body emotion complex can set one free from both doing and non doing as one is not identified with them any more. This is the jivanmukta state. Jivanmuktas do not roam around on the palnet with some haloes around their head or reclining in meditative mudras in some caves but can be found within the ambit of this samsara just like everyone else. Sufferings of many types and death strikes their bodies and yet they remain untouched. This is pure grace and many may never identify them amidst the crowds as they live and die amongst mortal men, offering themselves as is willed without question.
The true essence of Masters words can be grasped only in silence as the words are prone for distorted perceptions as per ones evolution and preparedness. An honest deliberation and complete acceptance of ourselves whever we are and at whatever level we are is the key to proceed furthur. No one person’s journey can compare to another and no one else can truly help you. This honest facing of your own understanding is mandate to make any progress in deepening the self arrival.
May all of us know that we neither need to begin or need not arrive. It is only being the self …as it is. It’s about opening our eyes to see what allready is .
Jai Bhagwan
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