I died to everybody I knew,
for reasons they had held against me.
And I’m not attempting my reincarnation in any way.
If you don’t seek me..
Know that I never needed you at all…
As the quench is now offered at Mother’s altar.
She will bestow what she deems best.
You were never capable anyways…
It needed a fractured heart to love..
This death is my new birth
Where I lost all previous lineage
And baggage of furthur responsibilities.
Without these both,
I’m open like the sky
And free like the birds.
So if it still suits you to love me
Even when your personal agendas are unmet,
Come and dance with me in the rain of grace. Otherwise the scorching suns await you anyways.
Mahakali Kamakhya stomps
Even Shiva’s chest when she walks this earth.
Mere mortals can only beware
Her wrath that will blaze and scorch them
Without mercy or a mind!
Remember where you came from…
The womb that you have raped
Is also capable of Annihilation as much as birth.
Be ready to bear what you started….
Joy Kamakhya !
Pic credits: Day 4 Navratri pujas done at my altar.
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