Dr Pallavi Kwatra

Musings of the awakening soul….

How can one describe in words what has been an experience within. Writers are pr...

Musings of the awakening soul…. How can one describe in words what has been an experience within? Writers are protagonists […]

The holon.

The holon.

One within another
And yet a distance apart,
Like a paradox that pre...

The holon. One within another And yet a distance apart, Like a paradox that prevails Denying phantoms of duality, A […]

The absurdity of destination.

The absurdity of destination.

This travel across lifetimes,
The race of arrival...

The absurdity of destination. This travel across lifetimes, The race of arrival, The exhilaration of success, What does this account […]


THE WANDERLUSTS...My thirsty eyesHave cracked open to arid windsThat blow fr...

THE WANDERLUSTS… My thirsty eyes Have cracked open to arid winds That blow from faraway lands. My supper lies cold […]