The circle of light..

The circle of light...The circle of light...

The circle of light..   The circle of light… The circle of light… Facebook Post

The scream of silence..

The scream of silence;



The bosom of all phenomenonThe scream o...

The scream of silence.. The scream of silence; Unheard.. Yet; The bosom of all phenomenon The scream of silence; Unheard.. […]

The erasure of all persona..

The porosity of this body vessel,
 allowing the light to pass through.
The facie...

The erasure of all persona.. The porosity of this body vessel, allowing the light to pass through. The facies and […]

A lonesome paradigm..

The fluttering
Mimicing the illusion
Of one..
The mutifarousness
In real...
A lo...

A lonesome paradigm.. The fluttering Mimicking the illusion Of one. The multifariousness In real… A lonesome paradigm. Facebook Post