Stop showing the display of affection
To those who can’t see your soul.
Stop begging permissions to fly
From those that have remained chained to the earth.
Stop being strong
For those who are perenially weak.
Stop sitting in the company of the fearful, lusty and tunnel visioned.
They will limit your dreams, foresight and life.
Stop doing good to all
When they don’t deserve it so.
Stop eating out of the plates of others.
That won’t ever satiate your hunger.
Build your own world
No matter how small, insignificant or mundane
It seems to others.
Sip your tea alone in solitude
With good music for company.
And stop filling the gaps in the day
With mindless activity.
Rest..pause..reboot.. nourish
And hold yourself in tenderness, care and regard.
If it were not for you..
Who cares …what would be this world about!
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