Dr Pallavi Kwatra

Ucchista Ganapati Sameta Neela Saraswati: The Cosmic Sambhoga

We all have the Dwaitha or the conflict of Duality within us where we tend to see life as the paradox of good and bad, pious and holy or our own bifurcation of our spiritual and material lives. Most of us will fail to believe in the conjugation of such opposites and continue to mark ourselves as a limited part of only one way of being. Only with the opening up of the inner chakshu ( third eye) are we able to wisely see the truth of our own multifaceted and limitless potential as cosmic Godly beings.
Tapas and anugraham both are needed to blend in the apt combination to blossom one to the ripe sthithi or state of a fully awakened human who lives in inner silence and outer dynamic momentum. He becomes a jivanmukta or the one who is liberated while still being in the mortal flesh. To such a one…there is no fear, disappointment or failure. Not even the Gods can move him from his fluidity of union with the cosmic truth as he embodies and walks them day to day.
My fantastic and mystical journeys with my beloved Ucchistaganapati has led me to experience the juicy bliss and celebration of my own beingness in the most extraordinary way. “Ucchista” the left over as it is commonly called so has enabled the inner Sambhoga of all Polarities inside this one who has come to see ,feel and experience it all and know only the Nirakara Parabrahaman self to be the Satya and all else as passing clouds on the clear screen of consciousness. Neti Neti…not this not this… Ucchistaganapati is the left over brahmapadartha after the veils of the mind, body, emotion fades away and only his leftover light prevails
Ucchistaganapati ‘s presence in my life is the highest reward of this lifetime as he joyfully dances with his pot bellied laughter and brings me to remain blissful through the midst of this samsara pangs. His grace has enabled all the missing dots of my life to come together to curate a beautiful art work. The conflict of being this or that is now dissolving into ‘ being the one’ alone.
Tugging aptly Outward and Inward, he keeps me at the centre of all things in my life. He ensures that I experience the surreal while I remain in the Mooladhara reality of this matrix. He allows me rebellion and safety both in this maaya and leela which is needed for ones complete experience in this lifetime.
Spiritual and Worldly are just your coloured glasses…he tells me to keep them down and know I am neither Man , nor Woman but a child of this universe that is here to play, share and experience everything a human being can.
Aesthetic and immaculate, Neela Saraswati betows the current of prana and vaak and enables me to relish and have a taste for all luxuries of this life. She is his erotic companion and his better half. He is unbothered to care as she meticulously lays out his table. Like Shiva & Shakti they keep arousing and merging into each other again and again.
Bhoga and Yoga are both needed to transcend completely and become free. In the times of Kaliyuga, Ucchistaganapati will reveal his glory to enable fiery & ultra quick transitions to propell you into this fusion. He will ensure your success, respect, power and fame in the world while he will pull u with a magnetic power towards the inner light of the highest spiritual knowings.
May all know the Vyatha of “Unmatta” or highly ecstatic orgasm of this Sambhoga in this lifetime.
Happy Ganesha chaturthi
Ghe Ghe Swaha.

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