Ouch..It hurts to transform!
![May be an image of candle and temple](https://scontent.fdel27-4.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/435256739_7537358946301356_1107351234389690430_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p843x403&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=r8Pug82ZcX0Ab4EdnLE&_nc_ht=scontent.fdel27-4.fna&oh=00_AfBkfnLITFwJMDqNVgrfONViTDXvGY6a5VFiFBDLh77UYg&oe=66218926)
The loosening grip of Maya is not a blissful sojourn and nor a Tantric adventure of any sorts. It’s as bland and tasteless or severely bitter and unresting to transform into The next version of yourself. If it were only a bunch of roses, all would have walked up her Neelanchal parwat and got the halo of Mukti around their heads after a visit to Kamakhya Temple.
One has to weep tears of blood
One has to unlearn painfully
One has to let go
One has to forgive
One has to forbear
One has to love ….
And Ouch.. this hurts….
May the Kaamrupini Kamakhya assist us in these journeys of Transformation.
If you are ready to bend.. you will be transformed..
If not.. broken !
Only the veeras are qualified.. No spiritual entertainment is possible..
Joy Kamakhya!
Image credits: Day 3 Kamakhya Navratri Pujas from my altar.
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