We are in 2022 and yet there are so many stigmas and conditioned behaviours we are not yet ready to release. The Shakta traditions especially the Srividya teachings have remained coded and secretive and always in the lock and key of pandits, Gurus and self acclaimed experts. Thought to bring bad karmas to the one who shared them with everyone openly and also to bring misfortune on the ones who practiced and received them in this fashion from online resources or unqualified Gurus. Just to instill monopoly and fear amongst innocent believers and play out the power equations of monopoly, the beautiful and pure Shakti consciousness kept fearful, secret and too mystic to decode by commoners.
My Srividya Guru, Shree Amritananda natha ji of Devipuram was a rebellious archetype who took the lead to carve a path to share the pure teachings with all who had surrender and longing. He even was visionary in his time to create online resources as he knew the potential of the internet to take this to the masses. Attacked and ridiculed, he so beautifully has mentioned…”let me take up the bad karmas of all who receive these teachings” the pouring compassion and insightful wisdom of this enlightened being has brought the Srividya illumination to many worldwide.
Stuck with the bandits of our pre conditionings and failing to see things sensibly and openly is a common disease in the saadhaks who simply wish to either learn srividya on what’s app ( without any dedication or reverence) or keep attacking those who walk out to teach them online on the internet or share with all recipients who are keen. I really so wish they could spend that time learning the deep science rather than sitting online and attacking others. And to those who think that Srividya is something they can learn such complex and deep sciences by messaging on what’s app requests, my only answer is..”.Grow up first!”
Shakti is a consciousness and the Mother Kundalini is always flowing in us and our lives. She is not merely locked up in yantras, mantras and tantra techniques. So please wake up to a more open and common sensical view before you prepare yourself for srividya and humility and longing and surrender are prerequisites to learn anything in life including srividya.
My own body of work on Shakti which includes free and paid DIY e courses , energized Shree yantras, books, free blogs and audio and video resources are inspired from my Guru Ji’s compassion and divine inner compass. The work is used by some people with reverence, care and deep regard and respect while others waste their time and energy simply doubting, criticising or attacking it. What do I care for all pleasure and pain that Devi herself is playing out in her Maaya. I will continue to do the work assigned and simply be the instrument of Devi which has no will or fears or doubts. Your ridicule and your praise both are accepted in the samabhava of Devi’s prasadam.
Keep deepening the connection with Devi as the self within and you will be guided aptly and neatly and accurately. Please trust and take the first steps rather than intellectualizing this path or fearing it.
Shree Matre Namah.
Disclaimer: Unavailable for disputing or elaborating this on what’s app messages and Facebook comments. Those keen to hear deeper on this standpoint or debate this are welcome to mail me at hello@old.drpallavikwatra.com for free appointments in person.
Beautiful reference article and sharing: https://www.facebook.com/471410529683370/posts/1565631710261241/?sfnsn=wiwspmo&mibextid=decfx3
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