“The Formless and the Formed were joined in her”
||81.18|| Savitri by Shree Aurobindo
The greatest grace of Shree Mata in our lifetime is to come to a point of Non-duality within us. This is the arrival of the saadhak at the Bindu of the Shri Yantra. When all become one: the matrix of polarities that the ego constructed over lifetimes finds its self collapsing into the silent abyss of the Bindu.
Through the vagaries of form, ritual, formality, siddhi, intelligence, decoding, bhavna, bhakti and rapture, the arrival at the shoonyata of the Bindu is a harbinger of the fusion of Shiva-Shakti within. The Bindu is androgyne in its tattva as it is ONE. Oneness has no character to it and excludes nothing. It is an inner arrival at the point of no return and no arrival. The intent to do anything lies dropped here as everything is already in divine occurrence and abidance alone.
After this, you may pray, do Japa, practice austerity or simply roam around in the beingness of your Bindu tattva, the Prakash of her grace is never withdrawn..never lessened. You are the light and you have seen this fact.
Discipline in saadhna coupled with the deep surrender of the saadhak identity is the fertile soil for her to choose you for this grand finale. Yet..it will always be as willed alone. All is as grace chooses and decides.
Aim Klim Sauh!
Image: Samadhi part 2 ( Movie)
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