Dr Pallavi Kwatra

Nest yourself from Negative energies


Do you seem to be feeling haunted by deep scarring in your womb? Do you experience black shadows trying to demean and scare you, intentions of hurt, threat or danger without any real reasons? Do you feel vulnerable and emotionally fragile? Do you feel powerless and unstable, fearful of people and places?

Many women in the urban world go through these symptoms. disconnected with their womb and its natural cycles, it is quite imminent that though women are heading important positions in every sector of society, they are still victims of many kinds of emotional and physical and psychic scarring that does not let them experience their complete potential as the divine feminine power that they are.

Failing to heal the old patterns and scars, they continue to silently keep bearing these burdens in their wombs and hearts. Healing of these patterns is a deep and sacred work that calls for spending time in self-love and self-acceptance, acclaiming the power to throwback all the negative energies that are blocked in the lower chakras of our body.

The Black Obsidian healing crystal has the beautiful potential to help you emerge and heal from the scarrings on your womb, release old patterns of fear, anxieties and shame and ground you into your living and new present where you can break out from the veil of negative energies and walk anew on Mother Earth with fresh dynamic power and creativity…..in grace and love!

Check the black obsidian Yoni Eggs that are designed to help you in a very personal way to heal and embody your true power. Meditate, affirm and heal with them.


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